Customer Testimonals

A great place to work – excellent reception – all very helpful. A very good atmosphere to work in and convenient to a nice area – "Little Yorkville" on West 1st

John Butt
Forensic Pathologist , Pathfinder Forum

I have been with Seaforth since 1997. With martini parties every three months and the best year-end Christmas party, they have made it easy to get to know all the tenants here which creates a great work environment. We are like one big happy family.

Peter Inches
Owner , Hampton Venture Group Inc.

Seaforth Executive Offices are extremely well located, bright and well maintained. Parking is convenient for clients or visitors and the receptionists are professional and fun to work with. What more could you ask for?

Derek Christiansen
Mortgage Specialist , Home Loans Canada

I’ll be quick and to the point. The location is convenient close to downtown Vancouver, the staff is wonderful, the environment is fun and professional and they have very competitive rates. I love it here!

Victor Logan
Logan Financial Group

We have had our offices at Seaforth Executive Offices since they opened and a number of clients have commented on the professional, friendly greeting they received when entering the offices or calling by telephone. In addition, we have found the office support in areas of secretarial services, computer services and copying services to be invaluable.

Paul Shield
Allied Yachts Group

When establishing my practice in 1997, I chose the Seaforth Executive Offices for its great location, chic corporate appearance and total service offerings. Nine years later, I continue to love working in this setting. Friendly, professional and competitively priced, it perfectly suits my business needs.

B. Wilkinson
Vocational Consultant